Sunday 30 October 2011


In two days time it is November and you know what that means ladies...gentlemen near and far will be sporting the traditional facial accessory - the moustache. In case you're confused by this influx (and you have been hibernating the previous few winters) it is due to the infamous charity fundraising event "Movember". 

My man has decided this year he is getting in the moustache spirit. Men seem to relish in the comaraderie of it all and of course in the ultimate manly challenge of growing a nice full one! This particular achievement shouldn't be too tricky for my mr as he has quite the stock of hair to start him off.

So as this time looms my thoughts are lingering on how much i'll like, or dislike this new look. Of course a lot of this will depend on which style he opts for...

But if he looks anything like this little lot I'm thinking i'll be pretty happy

Even if I end up with something more like this I think i'll cope. Hello Mr Selleck :) 

Yep I think i'm going to be pro tash.

Stylish Kooples

I have seen this brand advertised more and more and have finally come across the clothing itself in the Selfridges concession, and I'm somewhat in love.

The Kooples is a franco-british brand bringing "chic back to the street". Primarily it does so with the use of some utterly gorgeous Kooples couples. They ooze said chicness and of course that overall we-are-pretty-awesome-dont-you-just-want-to-be-us style. And yes, yes I do. Luckily for me my man is keen too :)

J'adore The Kooples.

Friday 28 October 2011

Festive Fever

I've been away for too long - no good excuse i'm afraid - and it's now that time of year again. Yup festive fever has hit already, and I for one am not saddened one bit by its eager arrival. Not sure how we got here so quickly but there's no doubting it, Christmas 2011 has landed.

My excitement has been fuelled by some recent shopping trips, stocking up on winter warmers whilst even eyeing up prezie options (unusual for me this early). I have learnt to be quite a restrained shopper in my time, adoring from afar but not indulging myself too much. "just the one winter coat will suffice" and other such wise words have however gone out of the window this season as I persist to want everything I can get my little paws on. My love for all things fashion is spiralling and reigniting addictive shopping sprees. OOPS!

All the more for me to share with you though, watch this space. For now, here are my faves from the Topshop Christmas 2011 Collection. Indulge your eyes. x

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Girl Crush - Diane

This lady really does show us how it's done.

With classically beautiful looks, a model like figure, amazing style and of course a hot accessory or two to boot (not naming any names Joshua Jackson), who wouldn't have a crush.

She rocks the red carpet...

Is a pro at feminine vintage...

And yet even manages to do it like a dude with perfection...

Yep, it's her job to look good. That is somewhat true. However Ms Kruger is definitely not having to work too hard in the style stakes, as her off duty look ticks all the right boxes as well!

Diane Kruger. J'adore. x

Thursday 8 September 2011

Street Style

Found this cheeky little snap of yours truely on Company Magazine's website under the London Street Style section.

Got me thinking two things.

1. I should probably get myself out there street style spotting for inspiration and of course blog to whoever will listen (read)

2. Man, I cannot wait to get my Leopard back on.

Cue the winter excitement and search for this year's dream coat to add to this beaut...x

Wednesday 7 September 2011

My buys...the midi

A huge trend this season is of course the midi skirt, and yup I have delved in. If you haven't seen this blast from the past making a reappearance then where exactly have you been hiding?

It is the skirt of yesteryear, made famous in the 1940's due to it's respectable yet chic style. Despite it's elegant and ladylike look, it is hard not to relate this skirt to the middle aged housewife figure. Fashion historian Brenda Polan comments "It's always been the Queen's length, and so can be considered rather unglamorous and middle aged. It doesn't have the drama of full length or the youthfulness of the mini. It is, however, sexy but restrained - not mysterious so much as subtle."

How to buy into this look in 2011 and not look like my Grandma is a challenge I was not sure I was up to. As quite a petite girl I felt I'd be drowned and as a casual dresser with a love for rock chick, boho style dressing I have long admired from afar, but sadly dismissed this particular item from my own wardrobe. 

That all changed recently. I adore vintage clothes/styles and have slowly realised maybe I could make this work (with a bit of commitment to more heel wearing ideally). I have quite simply been won over by more and more lovely ladies getting it spot on.

So, i've gone for it, with these little beauties...

If the midi length is good enough for Audrey (and my Grandma), then it's good enough for me.


Tuesday 6 September 2011

If I had a house, it would look like this

I play this game a lot. I love creative interiors, and these are some lovely inspiring little gems...

*Please note I'm not homeless, I just don't OWN a house that I can chuck paint around in (or the bank balance quite yet to afford the amazing furniture)

Domestic yummyness <3